Toni Storm is well traveled, seasoned and accomplished professional wrestler, despite only being 27 years old. After the Gold Coast native moved to the UK, her career really sgtarted to take off by competing in Japan for STARDOM. Whilst in the joshi promotion STARDOM, she captured the SWA World Championship and World of STARDOM Championships, then also would the STARDOM 5* Grand Prix Tournament. Toni would then go on to win the wXw Women's Championship and PROGRESS Women's Championships before winning the WWE Mae Young Classic before going on to win the NXTUK Women's Title. The Hip Attack specialist joined All Elite Wrestling in March 2022, in September she became the 'Interim' AEW Women's Champion. This title reign was then deemed 'officially recognised' by AEW owner Tony Khan.

DOB: 19th October 1995
Hometown: Gold Coast, Australia
Height: 5ft 5"
Weight: 65kg
Finishing Maneuver: Strong Zero (Snap piledriver)